We believe that a Christian life is a life of serving others. A life of service is a life well-lived.
Below are just a few of the ministries at ATC just for you.
We are here to serve you
We believe that a Christian life is a life of serving others. A life of service is a life well-lived.
Below are just a few of the ministries at ATC just for you.
Life Groups
ATC Life Groups are small groups based on common interests. Learn more about a topic or skill, grow spiritually, show the love of Jesus to our world, or just have a good time with good people at an ATC Life Group. Members and visitors of ATC are both welcome to join Life Groups. We invite you to join an ATC Life Group - Let's do life together! Click HERE to find out more.
Storehouse Food Pantry
Storehouse provides high quality foods to families in financial need. Storehouse is open Tuesday evenings from 6:00-7:30 PM. Food pickup is drive-up only in the south parking lot. If you have an immediate need, please call the church at (920) 738-7800 ext. 100 or email us by clicking HERE and let us assist you.
Marital & PreMarital Coaching
Whether your marriage is experiencing significant stress or you simply want to be proactive, marital coaching is available here at ATC. ATC also hosts a yearly Marriage Retreat at the Osthoff Resort in Elkhart Lake, WI. For more information, call (920) 738-7800 ext. 100 or email us by clicking HERE.
Family Coaching
If you need support with parenting or help in dealing with a stressful time in your family, we can help. For more information call (920) 738-7800 ext. 100 or email us by clicking HERE.
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ centered recovery program. It is a biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits. It is based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory. Celebrate Recovery provides a place for fellowship and life changing instruction for anyone struggling. Celebrate Recovery is held here at ATC on Sundays at 6:30 PM.
Financial Coaching
ATC has a certified financial counselor who is willing to assist families in understanding a healthy approach to finances. We are also a campus for the Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. For more information call (920) 738-7800 ext. 100 or email us by clicking HERE.
Hospital or Home Visitations
Times of sickness can be a difficult time for everyone. ATC has a ministry team that would be happy to visit you or a loved one at home or in the hospital and offer encouragement and prayer. If you or a loved one would like a visit please call us at (920) 738-7800 ext. 100 or email us by clicking HERE.
Prayer Ministry
In times of tragedy or crisis, it’s comforting to know that you or a loved one is being covered in prayer. ATC has a huge network of prayer ministers ready cover your need in prayer. To place your needs in the hands of praying people call (920) 738-7800 ext. 100 or email us by clicking HERE.
Deaf Ministries
ATC's Deaf Ministry brings the gospel of Jesus Christ to the deaf, hard of hearing, and deaf blind in American Sign Language (ASL). Our Wednesday evening and Sunday 8:30 AM services are interpreted, as well as our special events. This is a place the deaf community can belong.
ATC has a very strong representation of committed and unashamed Christian men. Enjoy our quarterly men’s breakfast. Join us on one of our men’s outings. Be revolutionized at our annual Men’s Retreat. Participate in our small group Equipping Men sessions.
Woman need spiritual spa time. ATC has many opportunities for ladies to get together. Attend one of the spring Women of Worth sessions. Go on an ATC shopping trip. Enjoy the annual Woman of Worth (WOW) Weekend in the fall. Participate in a ladies' prayer group. Take care of you.
Grow in Jesus Christ with our vibrant Hyphen community at ATC. There are monthly fellowship gatherings and frequent trips throughout the year. This group is big-hearted and reaches out to help those in need. They also host the yearly ATC Hyphen Retreat. Hyphen is for 18 to 30 year olds, both single and married without children.
Bible Studies
Many people are interested in the Bible, but don’t know how to study it or even where to start. ATC is dedicated to helping people better understand Scripture and how it applies to their lives. We offer a simple and easy to understand personal Bible Study to anyone who is interested. The lessons can be taught in the comfort of your own home or in a meeting room at ATC. To request a study, call (920) 738-7800 ext. 100 or click HERE.
prison ministry
ATC prison ministry is dedicated to spreading the hope, joy, truth and freedom that only Jesus Christ can bring. Men, women, and children in area prisons, jails, and youth detention centers learn the gospel of Jesus Christ and experience His love through ATC prison ministries.